Friday, January 22, 2010

Thoughts the 1st edition

so.. the idea of a blog is a lot easier then actually having one and writing one!

This is my first weekend in Orlando... (well, technically the 3rd but the first one I had tons of people with me and the second I was in West Palm. so this is actually the real first one.) It's hard being at "home" alone on a friday night! My friends are at the fair having fun, my family was at a beach bonfire, which I'm sure included pizza and ice cream, and I've been home all day and night! I should have taken more classes. I need a job, desperatey! I miss my church! I miss my room and my cats and my mom's cooking!

I've been thinking a lot about relationships... What is needed to have a good relationship? Yeah, I'm dating my best friend but is that enough? If there isn't passion and romance can it still work? Yeah, I like him.. I like being around him.. but I'm in college.. What if there is something else out there and I can't find it or i miss out on it because I'm "in a relationship" OR if there is any doubts should you just end it? Should I give it another chance and then all the sudden I'm engaged and stuck in something I'm not completely positive about.. ugh I don't know. I just see all these romantic movies and it's not that I want a fairy-tale but i know there is more then the typical dating... I want that, I want to be completely swept away, you know?

Who am I? I need to know? I'm trying to find myself, but am I just totally missing the journey? If anyone even reads this and you actually know me... feel free to tell me what you think of me cause I seriously have no idea?

1 comment:

  1. I think you're an amazing and beautiful person. You need to follow your heart and not be with someone because it's easy or you're lonely. Trust me, I need to do the same. I love you and miss you very much!!
